“Salaar : Ceasefire,” a Telugu action-thriller released on December 22nd, directed by Prashanth Neel of KGF fame, features Prabhas as Salaar. Produced by Hombale Films with a ₹270 crores budget, the film unfolds Salaar’s journey as a ruthless gangster torn between a promise to his dying friend and rival gangs.
This gripping tale, pulsating with vengeance and loyalty, delves into the criminal underworld. Boasting intense action, surprising twists, and Prabhas’ captivating performance, Salaar triumphed at the box office, earning an estimated ₹694 crores. The film’s gritty visuals, dynamic soundtrack by Ravi Basrur, and Prithviraj Sukumaran’s menacing portrayal also earned critical acclaim.